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How to make money using Social Media
Welcome To The Agency Academy
You just made the biggest decision of your life... (3:29)
Module 1 - Iron Start 2.0
01. Getting Your House In Order (18:27)
0.2 clearing the fog (18:02)
0.3 Employee to employer mindset (11:36)
0.4 Goals Worksheet (8:34)
Ordered House Action Plan.pdf
Goals Worksheet.pdf
Reading List
Module 2 - Iron Sequence 2.0
0.1 New Era Agency (10:25)
0.2 Mastering the Art of Niche Crafting (14:42)
0.3 Building a killer instagram account (15:58)
0.4 Service Offerings Blueprint: Building Your Success (11:32)
Module 3 - Iron Sales
0.1 Unveiling the Social Media Trends : What You Need to Know (9:47)
0.2 Steer Clear: Types of Clients to Avoid in Your Business Journey (10:56)
0.3 Unlocking the Power of Your Existing Network (8:37)
0.4 Unlocking the Secrets to Effective Lead Generation Techniques (6:16)
06. lead generation techniques (Facebook) (8:34)
07. Lead Generation Techniques (LinkedIn) (5:11)
08. Lead Generation Techniques (Instagram) (6:14)
09. Pipedrive Lead Import Template (1:03)
Module 4 - Iron Meetings
01. The Psychology Of Sales (21:51)
02. Achieving Instant Respect (7:18)
03. Self Analysis Playing To Strengths (4:11)
04. Cold Calling Remastered (18:01)
05. DM Domination (15:18)
06. face to face (4:24)
07. Objection Crushing (14:59)
Module 5 - Iron Closing Clients
01. Iron Success (23:12)
02. Iron Preparation (9:38)
0.3 Iron Meeting Part 1 (13:46)
04. Iron Meeting Part 2 (19:50)
05. Iron Meeting Part 3 (If they are not running ads) (22:32)
06 Iron Meeting Part 4 (if they are running ads) (5:35)
07. Iron Close Part 5 (10:35)
08. Iron Script! (Critical)
Module 6.0 : Unleashing Marketing
0.1 Paid Advertising Playbook (5:36)
0.2 The Challenges of Utilizing Paid Advertising I (10:37)
0.3 The Challenges of Utilizing Paid Advertising II (5:43)
0.4 Mastering Video Ads - Call Out, Value (12:24)
0.5 The Secrets of Marketing Psychology I (11:17)
0.6 The Secrets of Marketing Psychology II (11:51)
Module 7 - The Science Of Facebook Ads
01-Introduction To Facebook & Instagram Ads (11:12)
02. Creating Your Business Manager Account (7:19)
03-Navigating Ads Manager (4:51)
04-Facebook Pixel (10:48)
05- Product Catalogues (12:39)
06- Naming your campaigns (Critical) (5:02)
Module 8 - Mastered Strategies
01. Campaign Objectives (7:51)
02. Breaking Down The Facebook Funnel (11:31)
03. Audience Targeting Part 1 (Warning) (9:25)
04. Audience Targeting part 2 (5:11)
05. Ad placement (4:37)
06. Iron Ad Copy (13:44)
07. Iron Creative (5:54)
08. Unbeatable Audiences & Lookalikes (24:29)
Module 9 - Bonus
Iron Email Outreach (CRITICAL!!) (8:57)
Iron LinkedIn Strategy (YOUR DOING IT ALL WRONG) (10:14)
04. Zoom Meeting 0.2 (55:10)
Lead qualification sheet
01-Introduction To Facebook & Instagram Ads
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